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首先论述了钢琴听觉训练的方法根源—内省法,其次分别从音乐内涵、听觉训练的重要性、听觉训练的基本方法进行了阐述。选择合适而科学的训练方式,加强钢琴教学中的听觉训练,提升学生音乐听觉能力,提高钢琴专业学生的学习水平,成为目前钢琴教学中的首要任务。  相似文献   
[研究目的]为了帮助政府、企业和科研人员从海量的听证公开文本中发现科技相关政策和热点,快速、全面地识别出有价值的信息。[研究方法]梳理听证公开文本的类型与特点,并对其中有价值的信息进行合理的界定与分类;根据文本的内容特征和话语特征提出事件句识别、事件类型检测和事件论元抽取的三阶段式事件抽取方法,以实现有价值信息的抽取;对抽取的有价值信息进行深入分析。[研究结论]与基准模型相比,该研究所提方法在事件句识别召回率上提高33%,F1提高17%,在事件类型检测的精确率上提高1%,在事件论元抽取的精确率上提高18%,召回率提高4%,取得了一定效果,为此类文本进一步分析提供了新研究思路。  相似文献   
Young disabled people continue to be under-represented throughout further and higher education settings. Drawing on Pierre Bourdieu’s social theory of habitus, capital and field, this paper explores the practices of domination and oppression that have made it difficult for young people with visual impairments and hearing impairments to participate in third-level education on the same basis as non-disabled people. Twenty young people with hearing impairments and visual impairments were interviewed about their educational experiences. In addition, 31 interviews were conducted with third-level education providers, policy-makers and non-governmental organisations. This article has two aims: firstly, to critically examine the experiences of young people with hearing impairments and visual impairments in accessing and engaging with support provisions in further and higher education settings; and secondly, to identify and explore the diversity of ways in which these young people have managed and responded to the practices they have encountered. This article emphasises the journey from ability to dis-ability that young people with hearing and visual impairments experience in their quest for educational achievement. The ambiguities of “inclusion”, “widening participation” and “support” are highlighted and critiqued for their extensive failure to challenge taken-for-granted discourses.  相似文献   
《行政处罚法》第42条中“等”字究竟为“等内等”还是“等外等”,学界和实践中都有着相异的理解。最高人民法院先后发布了答复和第6号指导性案例,两者都明确“等”字为不完全列举,即行政处罚听证的范围不限于“责令停产停业、吊销许可证或者执照、较大数额罚款”三种,“没收较大数额违法所得”也应纳入听证程序。然而,对于答复和指导性案例的效力,其是否只辐射于司法系统内部,对行政执法实践是否也有参考意义,可否作为其执法的依据?实践中很多规章的理解与指导性案例精神相违背,从规范行政意义言之,行政执法过程中的法律依据也急需明确。  相似文献   
听证制度起源于法院审判的听审,具有平衡性、公开性和参与性,是维护程序正义的坚强后盾。我国首先在行政领域建立起听证制度,获得良好的效果。高校在法制化进程中,应当参照司法实践中的有效作法,将听证制度引入高校学生事务管理中,既可以打破以往单一的行政命令形式,平衡学校与学生之间的地位,使命令具有更高的公正性,又可以让更多的人参与到学生事务管理工作中,共同推动管理工作的有效运行。  相似文献   
正There are many stars received great achievements,such as Jay Chou,Jackie Chen,Quwanting and so on.However,the star who I like the best is Avril Lavigne.She is my idol.She was born in 1984.As we all know,she began to make music when she was seventeen years  相似文献   
Three languages are widely used in schools in Kenya – English, Kiswahili and Kenya Sign Language. Many pupils with hearing impairments are taught separately from the mainstream, in specialist settings. The fact that most of the formal teaching, assessment and examination processes in Kenyan schools rely upon spoken and written English compounds the separation of these pupils from the mainstream of education and, potentially, from the mainstream of society. In this article, Gertrude Wamae, graduate assistant in the Department of English and Linguistics at Kenyatta University, and Rachael Kang'ethe-Kamau, lecturer in the Department of Special Education at Kenyatta University, discuss the relationships between language, hearing impairment and inclusion in the Kenyan context. The article suggests that the use of signed exact English would enhance opportunities for inclusion for those with hearing impairments and that programmes of teacher training need to take account of persuasive research in this area. The article closes with a plea for further research, carried out collaboratively by educationalists, linguists, teacher trainers and practitioners, to develop policies and practices suited to more inclusive futures. The article is based on a paper presented to the International Conference on Inclusive Education run by Maseno University in September 2002.  相似文献   
简论音乐听觉训练中的反作用力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在专业音乐的学习中,科学有序的视唱练耳训练,能够极大地开发、挖掘学生的潜在素质.但实际训练中明显存在的反作用力,常常被人们忽视,我们必须加以认真研究.  相似文献   
在城市生活中,视觉常常受到各种符号的影响而往往不能够把握真实,听觉则不排斥直觉与情感,是心灵接近世界的有效方式之一。张爱玲的散文多处依靠听觉实现对内心苍凉感的描绘。在对现实生活的感悟上,她与左翼文学和海派文学具有明显的区别。凭借女性的敏感,她写文章透露出传统与现代交织的时代感.描写附着在苍凉的底色之上的平淡生活又总在不断反思,并于声音的感受中流露出内心的空虚。张爱玲的身上散发着传统文人和现代文人共有的气息。  相似文献   
通过对两种练习方法———听觉信号反馈和听觉加视觉信号反馈在提高体育院校普修课学生长传球准确性的教学效果进行实验对比研究,以找出更好的提高体育院校普修课学生长传球准确性的练习方法。实验结果表明,听觉加视觉信号反馈的练习方法对长传球准确性的教学效果要好于听觉信号反馈的练习方法。  相似文献   
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